Your SmartCone IoT
ECO-SYSTEM in a click.

End-to-End Solutions
Large industrial companies need a single point eco-system to capture and manage data. SmartCone’s IoT ecosystem offers an end-to-end solution of original patented devices, applications, network connectivity and integration services.

SmartCone in Action
Superior Design
Superior Design
Built to withstand the elements, the Click-IoT design is water tight and easy to add on modular pieces as needed.
Highly Portable
Highly Portable
At 16-24″ in length, 3-6″ wide, and 5-6 lbs in weight, it can be housed in almost any object, such as a safety cone.
Sensor Agnostic
Sensor Agnostic
We can integrate any third party sensor into the platform, it’s your solution even your preferred brand.
Simple Setup
Simple Setup
Quick installation with drop and go capabilities. Set up your perimeter in minutes.
3G/4G/5G/LTE/ WiFi/GPS
Let TheSmartCone™ be your gateway for connectivity on site no matter how remote
Let TheSmartCone™ be your gateway for connectivity on site no matter how remote
Energy Efficiency
Energy Efficiency
Choose what works best for you; AC adapter, battery packs or solar charging.